Friday, March 23, 2012

A Day Will Come...

I know a day will come when Em will no longer find my funny faces very funny
And I know a day will come when she no longer wants to hold on tight to my finger when we visit the playground
And I know a day will come when Em no longer hugs me with her entire body
And I know a day will come when her chicken costume will no longer fit
And I know the day will come when she will understand all of the words I speak
And I know a day will come when peekaboo will be passé
And I know a day will come when she no longer wants to sing along with me in the car
And I know a day will come when Em no longer puts bowls on her head and pretends they are hats
And I know a day will come when she tells me she is too big for lullabyes
And I know a day will come when Em no longer finds bubbles to be completely fascinating
And I know a day will come when Em won’t need me to push her in the swing
And I know a day will come when our hands will be the same size
And I know a day will come when she won’t run to me each time she bumps or bruises
And I know a day will come when Em will think of dirt as dirty, and not as so much fun
And I know a day will come when she will outgrow my lap

I try not to ask for a lot, but please, please, don’t let these days come quickly. I am loving THIS day too much.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I love this photo, too, but I kinda wish Em were a happier chicken :)

  2. does go so fast... But you are cherishing every moment you have with Em. If only we could freeze our little ones.. Just for a little while...

    1. Hi, Annie. I am trying to just live, breathe, and appreciate the moment, but it sure would be nice to be able to linger a little longer in Em's toddler-hood. :)
      Hope all is well and that you've enjoyed this sun-drenched week..
      Big hugs,

  3. Aww, this was so touching! I love it! I can relate to all of them! May that day come veery slowly for us :,-)

    1. Thank you, Veronica. So glad you read and responded. It's great to hear from other mamas who are experiencing the same emotions as I am... If I ever discover the secret to slowing down time, I promise I will share it with you. :)

  4. I feel this way a lot! I love each stage as we are in it, but I know that soon the "baby" days will be ending and the big kid days will start and I will definitely love getting to know him more and more as he grows...but there is something so special about the little days.


    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Krista. I had a "big girl moment" with Em this weekend that made me realize just how quickly she is growing up, and it really threw me for a loop! She is understanding so much, and developing in so many new ways, it is truly mind-blowing. I am going to try my best to just love the last remnants of her babyhood, while I embrace and foster the big girl she is becoming. It is a very bittersweet feeling. :)
