Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Singin' in the Rain

One of the best parts of being a mommy is being able to relive my favorite childhood moments AGAIN, only in the company of my daughter and husband.
Yesterday, after seemingly eons of hot days that have scorched our lawn grass into a bed of straw, the skies became super thick with clouds, and we were blessed with multiple rain showers.
Em and I slept through a good amount of the rain (I took a two hour nap on both Saturday and Sunday! Who am I? And where did my former non-napping-self disappear to?) But shortly after we woke up, the showers started again.
At first, Em and C sat by our living room window, listening to the sound of the rain and taking in that unbelievable fresh-rain-on-pavement-and-grass scent through the window screen. I almost sat down with them, but decided instead to open the front door, wanting to feel the rain drops on my hand (and knowing that Em would love sticking her hand into the stream of water that was coming off of our roof).
Em was definitely excited about touching the rain. She squealed a little and did her happy jig (which seriously made my soul melt). And she looked like she REALLY wanted to run out of the house, straight into the puddles fast forming at the end of our driveway.
So WE DID. Despite the fact that Em was in a cute little outfit, and I had chicken waiting to be roasted for dinner, and C was getting kinda hungry, we all ran out into the warm rain, where we splashed in puddles and let our bodies get soaking wet.
It was awesome. It was JUST as awesome as I remember it being, back when I was a kid. Seeing the ear-to-ear grin on Emmy’s face, and watching her do a little toddler rain dance in our front yard, getting her legs full of wet grass and dirt, and hearing her say “this FUNNNN!!”(using FUN in proper context for maybe the first time ever) was absolutely priceless.
Eventually we DID go back inside the house, and I toweled Em off and got her into a dry outfit. When the next downpour arrived, about 30 minutes later, Em REALLY wanted to go back outside again, but I heard C saying “no more outside. You are in dry clothing. We can look at the rain through the window.”
And as much as I respected his dada decision, and would never dream of stepping on his parental toes,  I really kinda wanted to go back outside for another rain dance myself.

P.S. The other great thing about yesterday? Em made C wear a dolly dress on his head for the majority of the day. I must say (though of course I am terribly biased on these matters) that I think C looked uniquely handsome in the dolly-dress-hat, and that the pink satin and lace trim was quite complimentary to his complexion. :)


  1. What a wonderful time you must have had! I wish I could be have joined you. I did do a bit of splashing around in the stream in from of ur house too. I don't think one ever gets to old to enjoy a great rain storm!

    1. It WAS so much fun. Next time, I will be sure to call you when we are about to go outside to do a family rain dance! Sure, the neighbors might think we've gone nuts, but it'll be worth it! :)
      Do you think there is any chance Grampy would join us? ;)

  2. I vividly remember being naked and splashing in the puddles at the end of my driveway when I was a kid.

    1. Awww. Never did splashing around in the nude myself, but it DOES sound pretty amazing. That's probably one memory that you CAN'T really relive as an adult, at least without consequences. ;)

  3. I knew we were kindred souls and Em is one after our own hearts! I can picture all this fun and love it.

    I don't know what it is, but there's something magical about splashing around. Just good old magical fun

    1. Definitely LOVE splashing around. I remember my older sister and I splashing around in the puddles at the end of our driveway, running down our neighborhood street in search of even BIGGER puddles to splash in. And of course avoiding the icky fat wormies that would ALSO be enjoying the rain showers. :)

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I really appreciate the kindness.
